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Break Things on Purpose

Podcast Break Things on Purpose
A podcast about site reliability engineering (SRE); Chaos Engineering; and the people, processes, and tools used to build resilient systems. Sponsored by Gremli...

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  • Jason & Julie Take a Look Back
    Today Jason and Julie catch up and reflect on their favorite moments from Season 3, including unpopular opinions, chaos engineering, make or break moments in engineers’ careers, and more. They discuss the unique features of having established engineers and newer engineers on the show and what each one brings to the table, and they talk about some of their favorite “build” episodes, where engineers delve into the story of how they saw a need and then built a product to fulfill it. The conclude they conversation by sharing what’s next for Break Things on Purpose. See you next season!In this episode we cover:Introduction to the episode and catching up with Jason and Julie (00:16)Jason and Julie identify some of their favorite guests from the season (4:49) The differences and advantages of having established engineers vs. newer engineers on the show (11:58)Jason and Julie talk about their favorite “build” episodes (15:56)What’s coming for Break Things on Purpose (21:20)Links Referenced:January 11th, 2022 episode: https://www.gremlin.com/blog/podcast-break-things-on-purpose-unpopular-opinions/Twitter: https://twitter.com/btoppodgremlin.com/podcast: https://gremlin.com/podcastloyaltyfreakmusic.com: https://loyaltyfreakmusic.com
  • Exploration and Resiliency with Mauricio Galdieri
    In this episode, we cover:Mauricio talks about his background and his role at Pismo (1:14)Jason and Mauricio discuss tech and reliability with regards to financial institutions (5:59)Mauricio talks about the work he has done in Chaos Engineering with reliability (10:36)Mauricio discusses things he and his team have done to maximize success (19:44)Mauricio talks about new technologies his team has been utilizing (22:59)Links Referenced:Pismo: https://pismo.io/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pismo/TranscriptMauricio: That’s why the name Cockroach, I guess, if there’s a [laugh] a world nuclear war here, all that will survive would be cockroaches in our client’s data. [laugh]. So, I guess that’s the gist of it.Jason: Welcome to Break Things on Purpose, a podcast about Chaos Engineering and reliability. In this episode, we chat with Mauricio Galdieri, a staff engineer at Pismo about testing versus exploration, reliability and resiliency, and the challenges of bringing new technologies to the financial sector.Jason: Welcome to the show.Mauricio: Hey, thank you. Welcome. Thanks for having me here, Jason.Jason: Yeah. So, Mauricio, you and I have chatted before in the past. We were at Chaos Conf, and you are part of a panel. So, I’m curious, I guess to kick things off, can you tell folks a little bit more about yourself and what you do at Pismo? And then we can maybe pick up from our conversations previously?Mauricio: Okay, awesome. I work as a staff engineer here at Pismo. I work in a squad called staff engineering squad, so we’re a bunch of—five squad engineers there. And we’re mostly responsible for coming up with new ways of using the existing technology, new technologies for us to have, and also standardize things like how we use those technologies here? How does it fit the whole processes we have here? And how does it fit in the pipelines we have here, also?And so, we do lots of documentation, lots of POCs, and try different things, and we talk to different people from different companies and see how they’re solving problems that we also have. So, this is basically our day-to-day activities here. Before that, well, I have a kind of a different story, I guess. Most people that work in this field, have a degree in something like a technical degree or something like that. But I actually graduated as an architect in urban planning, so I came from a completely different field.But I’ve always worked as a software developer since a long time ago, more than [laugh] willing to disclose. So, at that time when I started working with software development, I like to say that startups were called dotcoms that back then, so, [laugh] there was a lots of job opportunities back then, so I worked as a software developer at that time. And things evolved. I grew less and less as an architect and more as an engineer, so after I graduated, I started to look for a second degree, but on the more technical college, so I went to an engineering college and graduated as a system analyst.So, from then on, I’ve always worked as a software developer and never, never have done any house planning or house project or something like that. And I really doubt if I could do that right now [laugh] so I may be a lousy architect [in that sense 00:03:32]. But anyway, I’ve worked in different companies for both in private and public sectors. And I’ve worked with consultancy firms and so on. But just before I came to Pismo, I went working with a FinTech.So, this is where I was my first contact with the world of finance in a software context. Since then, I’ve digged deep into this industry, and here I am now working at Pismo, it’s for almost five years now.Jason: Wow. That quite a journey. And although it’s a unique journey, it’s also one that I feel like a lot of folks in tech come from different backgrounds and maybe haven’t gone down the traditional computer science route. With that said, you know, one of the things you mentioned FinTech. Can you give us a little bit of a description of Prismo, just so folks understand the company that you’re working at now?Mauricio: Oh, yeah. Well, Pismo, it’s a company that has about six years now. And we provide infrastructure for financial services. So, we’re not banks ourselves, but we provide the infrastructure for banks to build their financial projects with this. So basically, what we do is we manage accounts, we manage those accounts’ balances, we have connections with credit card networks, so we process—we’re also a credit card processor.We issue cards, although we’re not the issuer in this in the strict sense, but we issue cards here and manage all the lifecycle of those cards. And basically, that’s it. But we have a very broad offering of products, from account management to accounting management, and transactions management, and spending control limits and stuff. So, we have a very broad product portfolio. But basically, what we do is provide infrastructure for financial services.Jason: That’s fascinating to me. So, if I were to sum that up, would it be accurate to say that you’re basically like Software as a Service for financial institutions? You do all the heavy lifting?Mauricio: Yeah, yeah. I could say that, yeah.Jason: It’s interesting to me because, you know, traditionally, we always think of banks because they need to be regulated and there needs to be a whole lot more security and reliability around finances, we always think of banks as being very slow when it comes to technology. And so, I think it’s interesting that, in essence, what you’ve said with trying the latest technology and getting to play around with new technology and how it applies, especially within your staff engineering group, it’s almost the exact opposite. You’re sort of this forefront, this leading edge within the world of finance and technology.Mauricio: Yeah. And that actually is, it’s something that—it’s the most difficult part to sell banks to sign up with us, you know? Because they have those ancient systems running on-premises and most likely running on top of COBOL programs and so on. But at the same time, it’s highly, highly reliable. That they’ve been running those systems for, like, 40 years, even more than that, so it’s a very highly reliable.And as you said, it’s a very regulated industry, so it’s very hard to sell them this kind of new approach to banking. And actually, we consider this as almost an innovation for them. And it’s a little bit strange to talk about innovation in a sense that we’re proposing other companies to run in the cloud. This doesn’t sound innovating at all nowadays. So, every company runs their systems in the cloud nowadays, so it’s difficult to [laugh] realize that this is actually innovation in the banking system because they’re not used to running those things.And as you said, they’re slow in adopting new technologies because of security concerns, and so on. So, we’re trying to bring these new things to the table and prove them. And we had to prove banks and other financial institutions that it is possible to run a banking system a hundred percent in the cloud while maintaining security standards and security compliances and governance compl...
  • Developer Advocacy and Innersource with Aaron Clark
    In this episode, we cover:Aaron talks about starting out as a developer and the early stages of cloud development at RBC (1:05)Aaron discusses transitioning to developer advocacy (12:25)Aaron identifies successes he had in his early days of developer advocacy (20:35)Jason asks what it looks like to assist developers in achieving completion with long term maintenance projects, or “sustainable development” (25:40) Jason and Aaron discuss what “innersource” is and why it’s valuable in an organization (29:29)Aaron answers the question “how do you keep skills and knowledge up to date?” (33:55)Aaron talks about job opportunities at RBC (38:55)Links Referenced:Royal Bank of Canada: https://www.rbcroyalbank.comOpportunities at RBC: https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/enTranscriptAaron: And I guess some PM asked my boss, “So, Aaron doesn’t come to our platform status meetings, he doesn’t really take tickets, and he doesn’t take support rotation. What does Aaron do for the Cloud Platform Team?”Jason: [laugh].Jason: Welcome to Break Things on Purpose, a podcast about reliability, learning, and building better systems. In this episode, we talk with Aaron Clark, Director of Developer Advocacy at the Royal Bank of Canada. We chat with him about his journey from developer to advocate, the power of applying open-source principles within organizations—known as innersource—and his advice to keep learning.Jason: Welcome to the show, Aaron.Aaron: Thanks for having me, Jason. My name is Aaron Clark. I’m a developer advocate for cloud at RBC. That is the Royal Bank of Canada. And I’ve been at the bank for… well, since February 2010.Jason: So, when you first joined the bank, you were not a developer advocate, though?Aaron: Right. So, I have been in my current role since 2019. I’ve been part of the cloud program since 2017. Way back in 2010, I joined as a Java developer. So, my background in terms of being a developer is pretty much heavy on Java. Java and Spring Boot, now.I joined working on a bunch of Java applications within one of the many functions areas within the Royal Bank. The bank is gigantic. That’s kind of one of the things people sometimes struggle to grasp. It’s such a large organization. We’re something like 100,000… yeah, 100,000 employees, around 10,000 of that is in technology, so developers, developer adjacent roles like business analysts, and QE, and operations and support, and all of those roles.It’s a big organization. And that’s one of the interesting things to kind of grapple with when you join the organization. So, I joined in a group called Risk IT. We built solely internal-facing applications. I worked on a bunch of stuff in there.I’m kind of a generalist, where I have interest in all the DevOps things. I set up one of the very first Hudson servers in Risk—well, in the bank, but specifically in Risk—and I admin’ed it on the side because nobody else was doing it and it needed doing. After a few years of doing that and working on a bunch of different projects, I was occasionally just, “We need this project to succeed, to have a good foundation at the start, so Aaron, you’re on this project for six months and then you’re doing something different.” Which was really interesting. At the same time, I always worry about the problem where if you don’t stay on something for very long, you never learn the consequences of the poor decisions you may have made because you don’t have to deal with it.Jason: [laugh].Aaron: And that was like the flip side of, I hope I’m making good decisions here. It seemed to be pretty good, people seemed happy with it, but I always worry about that. Like, being in a role for a few years where you build something, and then it’s in production, and you’re running it and you’re dealing with, “Oh, I made this decision that seems like a good idea at the time. Turns out that’s a bad idea. Don’t do that next time.” You never learned that if you don’t stay in a role.When I was overall in Risk IT for four, almost five years, so I would work with a bunch of the teams who maybe stayed on this project, they’d come ask me questions. It’s like, I’m not gone gone. I’m just not working on that project for the next few months or whatever. And then I moved into another part of the organization, like, a sister group called Finance IT that runs kind of the—builds and runs the general ledger for the bank. Or at least for a part of capital markets.It gets fuzzy as the organization moves around. And groups combine and disperse and things like that. That group, I actually had some interesting stuff that was when I started working on more things like cloud, looking at cloud, the bank was starting to bring in cloud. So, I was still on the application development side, but I was interested in it. I had been to some conferences like OSCON, and started to hear about and learn about things like Docker, things like Kubernetes, things like Spring Boot, and I was like this is some really neat stuff.I was working on a Spark-based ETL system, on one of the early Hadoop clusters at the bank. So, I’ve been I’m like, super, super lucky that I got to do a lot of this stuff, work on all of these new things when they were really nascent within the organization. I’ve also had really supportive leadership. So, like, I was doing—that continuous integration server, that was totally on the side; I got involved in a bunch of reuse ideas of, we have this larger group; we’re doing a lot of similar things; let’s share some of the libraries and things like that. That was before being any, like, developer advocate or anything like that I was working on these.And I was actually funded for a year to promote and work on reuse activities, basically. And that was—I learned a lot, I made a lot of mistakes that I now, like, inform some of the decisions I make in my current role, but I was doing all of this, and I almost described it as I kind of taxed my existing project because I’m working on this team, but I have this side thing that I have to do. And I might need to take a morning and not work on your project because I have to, like, maintain this build machine for somebody. And I had really supportive leadership. They were great.They recognize the value of these activities, and didn’t really argue about the fact that I was taking time away from whatever the budget said I was supposed to be doing, which was really good. So, I started doing that, and I was working in finance as the Cloud Team was starting to go through a revamp—the initial nascent Cloud Team at the bank—and I was doing cloud things from the app dev side, but at the same time within my group, anytime something surprising became broken, somebody had some emergency that they needed somebody to drop in and be clever and solve things, that person became me. And I was running into a lot of distractions in that sense. And it’s nice to be the person who gets to work on, “Oh, this thing needs rescuing. Help us, Aaron.”That’s fantastic; it feels really good, right, up until you’re spending a lot of your time doing it and you can’t do the things that you’re really interested in. So, I actually decided to move over to the Cloud Team and work on kind of d...
  • KubeCon, Kindness, and Legos with Michael Chenetz
    Today we chat with Cisco’s head of developer content, community, and events, Michael Chenetz. We discuss everything from KubeCon to kindness and Legos! Michael delves into some of the main themes he heard from creators at KubeCon, and we discuss methods for increasing adoption of new concepts in your organization. We have a conversation about attending live conferences, COVID protocol, and COVID shaming, and then we talk about how Legos can be used in talks to demonstrate concepts. We end the conversation with a discussion about combining passions to practice creativity.We discuss our time at KubeCon in Spain (5:51)Themes Michael heard at KubeCon talking with creators (7:46)Increasing adoption of new concepts (9:27)We talk conferences, COVID shaming, and blamelessness (12:21)Legos and reliability  (18:04)Michael talks about ways to exercise creativity (23:20)Links:KubeCon October 2022: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/Nintendo Lego Set: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HVXMQ87?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_ED7NVBWPR8ANGT8WNGS5Cloud Unfiltered podcast episode featuring Julie and Jason:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep125-chaos-engineering-with-julie-gunderson-and-jason/id1215105578?i=1000562393884Links Referenced:Cisco: https://www.cisco.com/Cloud Unfiltered Podcast with Julie and Jason: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep125-chaos-engineering-with-julie-gunderson-and-jason/id1215105578?i=1000562393884Cloud Unfiltered Podcast: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/cloud/podcasts.htmlNintendo Lego: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HVXMQ87TranscriptJulie: And for folks that are interested in, too, what day it is—because I think we’re all still a little bit confused—it is Monday, May 24th that we are recording this episode.Jason: Uh, Julie’s definitely confused on what day it is because it’s actually Tuesday, [laugh] May 24th.Michael: Oh, my God. [laugh]. That’s great. I love it.Julie: Welcome to Break Things on Purpose, a podcast about reliability, learning from each other, and blamelessness. In this episode, we talk to Michael Chenetz, head of developer content, community, and events at Cisco, about all of the learnings from KubeCon, the importance of being kind to each other, and of course, how Lego translates into technology.Julie: Today, we are joined by Michael Chenetz. Michael, do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself?Michael: Yeah. [laugh]. Well, first of all, thank you for having me on the show. And I’m really good at breaking things, so I guess that’s why I’m asked to be here is because I’m superb at it. What I’m not so good at is, like, putting things back together.Like when I was a kid, I remember taking my dad’s stereo apart; wasn’t too happy about that. Wasn’t very good at putting it back together. But you know, so that’s just going back a little ways there. But yeah, so I work for the DevRel at Cisco and my whole responsibility is, you know, to get people to know that know a little bit about us in terms of, you know, all the developer-related topics.Julie: Well, and Jason and I had the awesome opportunity to hang out with you at KubeCon, where we got to join your Cloud Unfiltered podcast. So folks, definitely go check out that episode. We have a lot of fun. We’ll put a link in the [show notes 00:02:03]. But yeah, let’s talk a little bit about KubeCon. So, as of recording this episode, we all just recently traveled back from Spain, for KubeCon EU, which was… amazing. I really enjoyed being there. My first time in Spain. I got back, I can tell you, less than 24 hours ago. Michael, I think—when did you get back?Michael: So, I got back Saturday night, but my bags have not arrived yet. So, they’re still traveling and they’re enjoying Europe. And they should be back soon, I guess when they’re when they feel like they’re—you know, they should be back from vacation.Julie: [laugh].Michael: So. [laugh].Julie: Jason, how about you? When did you get home?Jason: I got home on Sunday night. So, I took the train from Valencia to Barcelona on Saturday evening, and then an early morning flight on Sunday and got home late Sunday night.Julie: And for folks that are interested in, too, what day it is—because I think we’re all still a little bit confused—it is Monday, May 24th that we are recording this episode.Jason: Uh, Julie’s definitely confused on what day it is because it’s actually Tuesday, [laugh] May 24th.Michael: Oh, my God. [laugh]. That’s great. I love it. By the way, yesterday was my birthday so I’m going to say—Julie: Happy birthday.Michael: —happy birthday to myself.Julie: Oh, my gosh, happy birthday. [laugh].Michael: Thank you [laugh].Julie: So… what is time anyway?Jason: Yeah.Michael: It’s all good. It’s all relative. Time is relative.Julie: Time is relative. And so, you know, tell us a little bit about—I’d love to know a little bit about why you want folks to know about, like, what is the message you try to get across?Jason: Oh, that’s not the question I thought you were going to ask. I thought you were going to ask, “What’s on your Amazon wishlist so people can send you birthday presents?”Julie: Yeah, let’s back up. Let’s do that. So, let’s start with your Amazon wishlist. We know that there might be some Legos involved.Michael: Oh, my God, yeah. I mean, you just told me about a cool one, which was Optimus Prime and I just—I’m already on the website, my credit card is out and I’m ready to buy. So, you know, this is the problem with talking to you guys. [laugh]. It’s definitely—you know, that’s definitely on my list. So, anything that, anything music-related because obviously behind me is a lot of music equipment—I love music stuff—and anything tech. The combination of tech and music, and if you can combine Legos and that, too, man that would just match all the boxes. [laugh].Julie: Just to let you know, there’s a Lego Con. Like, I did not know this until last night, actually. But it is a virtual conference.Michael: Really.Julie: Yeah. But one of the things I was looking at act...
  • Dan Isla: Astronomical Reliability
    It’s time to shoot for the stars with Dan Isla, VP of Product at itopia, to talk about everything from astronomical importance of reliability to time zones on Mars. Dan’s trajectory has been a propulsion of jobs bordering on the science fiction, with a history at NASA, modernizing cloud computing for them, and loads more. Dan discusses the finite room for risk and failure in space travel with an anecdote from his work on Curiosity. Dan talks about his major take aways from working at Google, his “baby” Selkies, his work at itopia, and the crazy math involved with accounting for time on Mars!In this episode, we cover:Introduction (00:00)Dan’s work at JPL (01:58)Razor thin margins for risk (05:40)Transition to Google (09:08) Selkies and itopia (13:20)Building a reliability community (16:20)What itopia is doing (20:20)Learning, building a “toolbox,” and teams (22:30)Clockdrift (27:36)Links Referenced:itopia: https://itopia.com/Selkies: https://github.com/danisla/selkiesselkies.io: https://selkies.ioTwitter: https://twitter.com/danislaLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danisla/TranscriptDan: I mean, at JPL we had an issue adding a leap second to our system planning software, and that was a fully coordinated, many months of planning, for one second. [laugh]. Because when you’re traveling at 15,000 miles per hour, one second off in your guidance algorithms means you missed the planet, right? [laugh]. So, we were very careful. Yeah, our navigation parameters had, like, 15 decimal places, it was crazy.Julie: Welcome to Break Things on Purpose, a podcast about reliability, building things with purpose, and embracing learning. In this episode, we talked to Dan Isla, VP of Product at itopia about the importance of reliability, astronomical units, and time zones on Mars.Jason: Welcome to the show, Dan.Dan: Thanks for having me, Jason and Julie.Jason: Awesome. Also, yeah, Julie is here. [laugh].Julie: Yeah. Hi, Dan.Jason: Julie’s having internet latency issues. I swear we are not running a Gremlin latency attack on her. Although she might be running one on herself. Have you checked in in the Gremlin control panel?Julie: You know, let me go ahead and do that while you two talk. [laugh]. But no, hi and I hope it’s not too problematic here. But I’m really excited to have Dan with us here today because Dan is a Boise native, which is where I’m from as well. So Dan, thanks for being here and chatting with us today about all the things.Dan: You’re very welcome. It’s great to be here to chat on the podcast.Jason: So, Dan has mentioned working at a few places and I think they’re all fascinating and interesting. But probably the most fascinating—being a science and technology nerd—Dan, you worked at JPL.Dan: I did. I was at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California, right, after graduating from Boise State, from 2009 to around 2017. So, it was a quite the adventure, got work on some, literally, out-of-this-world projects. And it was like drinking from a firehose, being kind of fresh out to some degree. I was an intern before that so I had some experience, but working on a Mars rover mission was kind of my primary task. And the Mars rover Curiosity was what I worked on as a systems engineer and flight software test engineer, doing launch operations, and surface operations, pretty much the whole, like, lifecycle of the spacecraft I got to experience. And had some long days and some problems we had to solve, and it was a lot of fun. I learned a lot at JPL, a lot about how government, like, agencies are run, a lot about how spacecraft are built, and then towards the end a lot about how you can modernize systems with cloud computing. That led to my exit [laugh] from there.Jason: I’m curious if you could dive into that, the modernization, right? Because I think that’s fascinating. When I went to college, I initially thought I was going to be an aerospace engineer. And so, because of that, they were like, “By the way, you should learn Fortran because everything’s written in Fortran and nothing gets updated.” Which I was a little bit dubious about, so correct folks that are potentially looking into jobs in engineering with NASA. Is it all Fortran, or… what [laugh] what do things look like?Dan: That’s an interesting observation. Believe it or not, Fortran is still used. Fortran 77 and Fortran—what is it, 95. But it’s mostly in the science community. So, a lot of data processing algorithms and things for actually computing science, written by PhDs and postdocs is still in use today, mostly because those were algorithms that, like, people built their entire dissertation around, and to change them added so much risk to the integrity of the science, even just changing the language where you go to language with different levels of precision or computing repeatability, introduced risk to the integrity of the science. So, we just, like, reused the [laugh] same algorithms for decades. It was pretty amazing yeah.Jason: So, you mentioned modernizing; then how do you modernize with systems like that? You just take that codebase, stuff it in a VM or a container and pretend it’s okay?Dan: Yeah, so a lot of it is done very carefully. It goes kind of beyond the language down to even some of the hardware that you run on, you know? Hardware computing has different endianness, which means the order of bits in your data structures, as well as different levels of precision, whether it’s a RISC system or an AMD64 system. And so, just putting the software in a container and making it run wasn’t enough. You had to actually compute it, compare it against the study that was done and the papers that were written on it to make sure you got the same result. So, it was pretty—we had to be very careful when we were containerizing some of these applications in the software.Julie: You know, Dan, one thing that I remember from one of the very first talks I heard of yours back in, I think, 2015 was you actually talked about how we say within DevOps, embrace failure and embrace risk, but when you’re talking about space travel, that becomes something that has a completely different connotation. And I’m kind of curious, like, how do you work around that?Dan: Yeah, so failing fast is not really an option when you only have one thing [laugh] that you have built or can build. And so yeah, there’s definitely a lot of adverseness to failing. And what happens is it becomes a focus on testing, stress testing—we call it robustness testing—and being able to observe failures and automate repairs. So, one of the tests programs I was involved with at JPL was, during the descent part of the rover’s approach to Mars, there was a power descent phase where the rover actually had a rocket-propelled jetpack and it would descend to the surface autonomously and deliver the rover to the surface. And during that phase it’s moving so fast that we couldn’t actually remote control it, so it had to do everything by itself.And there were two flight computers...

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A podcast about site reliability engineering (SRE); Chaos Engineering; and the people, processes, and tools used to build resilient systems. Sponsored by Gremlin. Find us on Twitter at @BTOPpod.
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