Adam sits down to talk with Bill Bridges, developer and author for Mage the Ascension. Bill talks about the early days of White Wolf, his work on Werewolf & Mage, his thoughts on Mage's directions over the years and Mage the Awakening. Check out his work on Fading Suns.
Announcement of Terry's Passing
We are sad to announce Terry Robinson is no longer with us.
Christmas Special - Three Facts About the Syndicate
A bonus episode featuring some wisdom from the Syndicate.
Tomes of Magick: M20 Lore of the Traditions
Twenty one years after the last Tradition Book, Lore of the Traditions gives an update to the Nine Traditions. Adam and Pook walk through where each Tradition is in the 2020s, their favorites, and what they wish they saw more of.
Lore of the Traditions on DriveThruRPG
Avatars, Adepts and the Comte de Saint Germain with 33.3 FM
Mage isn't the only game with weird metaphysics. Frank and Tormsen from 33.3 FM join to talk the metaphysics of Unknown Armies, their favorite supplements and magic types, and of course the Comte de Saint Germain.
33.3FM on Soundcloud
Unnatural Phenomena - Unknown Armies resource site
Atlas Games - Official purveyor of Unknown Armies
Break Today - Supplement about Mak Attax
Unknown Armies 2e Core
One Shots for Unknown Armies 1e
Unknown Armies Discord