It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me.Some would say I have a lot of problems... but they're good problems to have! Sure, I've had some truly cursed problems in...
I was on The Price is Right as a contestant in 2007, and met Bob Barker. This is my story.
Season 3 PREMIERE: EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival Tour
Join Houston from PRIDE Radio and husband Chris as they explore the first day of the EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival at Walt Disney World for the season premiere of our "Houston Has A Problem" podcast.They see the sights, taste the tastes, and Houston reveals the problem he has with it all... spoiler alert: it's TOO delicious!! 😂The EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival invited PRIDE Radio to this opening day celebration and provided us with promotional consideration to try out many of the food and beverage options.Catch the festival in person March 1-July 5, 2023! #FreshEPCOT
INTERVIEW: Ben Zook Gets Raunchy As "Skylar Gentry" In New One-Man Show
Episode 11 - Eyeglasses Nightmare
This time, Houston's problem is his eyes... and the inability of a certain eye care store to be able to make his prescription without scratching or otherwise making the process a nightmare!
Episode 10 - The Pee Bandit
Houston talks about his latest problem: a piss bandit... someone in his apartment building that relieved himself, but didn't know he was on camera doing it.
It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me.Some would say I have a lot of problems... but they're good problems to have! Sure, I've had some truly cursed problems in life and still do, but sometimes I'm very aware that I'm the one who has the problem... is it a problem that there's not enough time in the day to get things done? Sometimes!Okay okay, maybe liking only specific things like coffee from a particular place with a particular coffee cream isn't a "problem" per se... but my husband might argue with you.Let my pain be your gain! Houston shares his cursed life experiences and his wonderful life experiences in the hope that you can get a good laugh in the spirit of living vicariously through his point of view.