Welcome to my podcast. I am Lee Hammock a self aware narcissist and I'm known as Mental Healness all over social media. I have NPD (Narcissistic Personality Dis...
What kind of job do narcissists like to have? I have compiled a list of jobs that narcissistic people LOVE to have.I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'm not here to diagnose ANYONE or to tell you to leave your relationship. I'm just trying to give you the information to make your own well informed decisions.Website - www.mentalhealness.net1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealnessSelf Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKbRemember, It's not your fault - https://a.co/d/2WNtdKJ
Why Narcissists Want You To BEG Them
Why Narcissists Want You To BEG Them for forgiveness or to get back with them.I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'm not here to diagnose ANYONE or to tell you to leave your relationship. I'm just trying to give you the information to make your own well informed decisions.Website - www.mentalhealness.net1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealnessSelf Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKbRemember, It's not your fault - https://a.co/d/2WNtdKJ
Why Can't I Stop Thinking About The Narcissist?
If you can't stop thinking about a narcissist, watch this video. It's common to think about the person that hurt you, but not a good thing to let them back into your life.I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'm not here to diagnose ANYONE or to tell you to leave your relationship. I'm just trying to give you the information to make your own well informed decisions.Website - www.mentalhealness.net1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealnessSelf Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKbRemember, It's not your fault - https://a.co/d/2WNtdKJ
What Your Reactions Mean To A Narcissist
Why Narcissists try to get you to react to them. What do your reactions mean to a narcissist?I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'm not here to diagnose ANYONE or to tell you to leave your relationship. I'm just trying to give you the information to make your own well informed decisions.Website - www.mentalhealness.net1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealnessSelf Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKbRemember, It's not your fault - https://a.co/d/2WNtdKJ
The Red Flags Of Narcissistic Women
Find Out Some of The Red Flags Of Narcissistic Women from a narcissist.I'm Lee & I've been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ). I've been in therapy since 2017 & It has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything. My platform is dedicated to giving you the WHYs behind the things that Narcissistic people do. I'm not here to diagnose ANYONE or to tell you to leave your relationship. I'm just trying to give you the information to make your own well informed decisions.Website - www.mentalhealness.net1 on 1's and all my links - https://beacons.page/mentalhealnessSelf Love Journal - https://a.co/d/70L3zKbRemember, It's not your fault - https://a.co/d/2WNtdKJ
Welcome to my podcast. I am Lee Hammock a self aware narcissist and I'm known as Mental Healness all over social media. I have NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and I've been dealing with this personality disorder for as long as I can remember. I have been in psychotherapy for the last 4 years and Therapy has helped me to figure out exactly why I do what I do and it has allowed me to get to this point where I can offer you the perspective inside the head of a person battling this personality disorder. You might get triggered, but you'll get validated. @mentalhealness everywhere