102 | How to Dive in a Coral Nursery as an Open Water Scuba Diver | Ocean Conservation Foundation
Dr. Melissa Giresi explains how regular scuba divers can help save the coral reefs! Volunteers can actually help maintain and grow new coral in the Florida Keys with the Ocean Conservation Foundation, which is a branch of Rainbow Reef.She walks us through the process of diving in the coral nurseries and helping save the reefs.If you've ever wanted to dive in a magical underwater farm of tropical fish and coral, this is how to do it!Melissa is the Director of Conservation at Ocean Conservation Foundation. She is public presenter on Fish ID, conservation initiatives. She has a Ph.D. in Biology with extensive experience in research, teaching, and diving. Special thanks to Coral Restoration Foundation™ for supplying video of the underwater coral nurseries.Also a special thanks to Seminole Scuba for hosting the conservation exhibit event where the interview took place.Contact Ocean Conservation Foundation:https://www.oceanconservationfoundation.org/ocean-conservation-team/
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