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Birthing Instincts

Podcast Birthing Instincts
Dr. Stuart Fischbein + Midwife Blyss Young
The birth world can be overwhelming for parents and practitioners alike. Dr. Stuart Fischbein and Midwife Blyss Young and their combined 55+ years of experience...

Episódios Disponíveis

5 de 391
  • #403 VBAC or Cesarean, An Honest Assessment of Risk & Benefit.
    In this episode of the Birthing Instincts Podcast, Blyss and Dr. Stu explore the risks and benefits of cesarean sections (C-sections) and vaginal births after cesareans (VBACs). They discuss the pros and cons of home births versus hospital births. In a hospital setting, expectant parents benefit from a large, skilled medical team, while home births offer more control over the birthing experience and additional time for bonding with the baby.It's crucial to consider the entire pregnancy when making this decision. When opting for a home birth, having assistance from a certified nurse-midwife or access to an obstetrician is essential, as home births carry their own risks. Planning ahead is vital in this scenario. Educating oneself is equally important to ensure the best choices are made for both the mother and the baby. Tune in to learn more!In this episodeRisks and benefits of VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) and C-sections;The probabilities of some of those risks after previous C-sections;Why people are choosing home births;How to choose between home births and hospital births.Episode resourceshttps://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378Desiree’s Episode #274This show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Pique Life | 20% OFF for life plus a free Starter Kit (including a rechargeable frother and glass beaker) when you grab the Pu’er Bundle today. Go to piquelife.com/birthingMama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com
  • #402 Why Does Mystery Stop At The Hospital Door?: A discussion of Homeopathy with Midwife Laurie Fremgen
    In this episode of the Birthing Instincts Podcast, we explore the possibilities of homeopathy and homeopathic remedies. The benefits of this type of alternative treatment for pregnancy, labor, and related issues are numerous, with the most significant advantage being the absence of side effects. Mothers can be prescribed homeopathic remedies without the fear of adverse reactions that are often associated with conventional medicine. However, it is essential to work closely with a trained practitioner to initiate treatment effectively.To delve deeper into this topic, we welcome Laurie Fremgen, a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) and Licensed Midwife (LM) with nearly 30 years of experience. Laurie shares her journey into homeopathy, its effectiveness in modern practice, and insights on how it works—most importantly, why it works. You will also learn about the most common homeopathic remedies used during childbirth and the appropriate dosages for various situations.About Laurie FremgenLaurie Fremgen is a homebirth CPM, LM in the Austin area for almost 30 years. She is the current Chair of the Midwives Advisory Board and works hard to keep Texas Midwifery laws flexible so that midwives can provide individualized care to their clients. Laurie is a student and practitioner of homeopathy. Laurie is also an avid mountain biker, finding great peace in the woods.Connect with LaurieInstagram: @lauriefremgenmidwifeWebsite: www.lauriefremgenmidwife.comIn this episodeHow Laurie started with homeopathy;How homeopathy works and why it works;Difference between homeopathy and herbology;Most common homeopathic remedies used in childbirth;Are there side effects with homeopathic remedies?How does a practitioner get training for homeopathy?Understanding the dosage of homeopathic remedies;The efficiency of homeopathy in modern days.Episode resourceshttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0029784499004810Book: The Soul of RemediesContinuing Education for Community Midwives: laurie-fremgen-s-school.teachable.com/p/homeyoutu.be/nBDmB8drtrkLaurie's top 5 homeopathic remediesThis show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Christian Hypnobirthing | Go to christianhypnobirthing.com/birthinginstincts to get 30% off Christian Hypnobirthing's Faith-Filled Childbirth course.Mama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com
  • #401 Are We Done With Oxygen? NRP revisited with Michele Kazmier
    Join Blyss and Dr. Stu in this episode as they welcome Michele Kazmier to the show. Michele is a home birth midwife passionate about holistic neonatal transition. During the episode, she shares her insights on the NRP guidelines for newborn care, explaining why oxygen is often used for resuscitating newborns at birth instead of room air, and how to assess babies at birth to determine if they are compromised. Listeners will also learn about various neonatal resuscitation methods essential for the care of newborns, with a focus on providing warmth and stimulating breathing. It's crucial to allow time for bonding between the baby and the mother. Michele also offers valuable advice for midwives, emphasizing the importance of patience and calmness during this special moment for the health and well-being of everyone involved. Tune in!About Michele KazmierMichele is a San Diego home birth midwife passionate about holistic neonatal transition. Her interest in neonatal care began over 30 years ago when she was a Navy Nurse in 29 Palms, CA. Faced with limited resources in a busy, remote hospital - full of growing families - she quickly realized how important her neonatal skills were to the clients she served. Since that time she has developed Baby’s Breath - a course to help parents and professionals understand physiologic newborn transition and the skills to support the vital moments following birth.Connect with MicheleWebsite: www.lavendermoonmidwifery.comInstagram: @lavendermoonmidwiferyIn this episodeWhy oxygen is commonly used to resuscitate newborns at birth;Explaining the different neonatal resuscitation methods;How babies can be assessed at birth;Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) guidelines for the care of newborns at birth;The importance of being patient when welcoming a new baby at birth.Episode resourcespm.amegroups.org/article/view/6817/htmlwww.ilcor.orgwww.researchgate.net/publication/11452099_Neonatal_Transitional_Physiology_A_New_Paradigmpmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3423128/pdf/JRSM-11-0316.pdfpmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9056455/pm.amegroups.org/article/view/6817/htmlThis show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Christian Hypnobirthing | Go to christianhypnobirthing.com/birthinginstincts to get 30% off Christian Hypnobirthing's Faith-Filled Childbirth course.Mama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com
  • #400 The Sanctity of Postpartum with Birthfit's Lindsey Matthews Cantu
    In this episode of Birthing Instincts, Blyss and Dr. Stu welcome Lindsey Mathews Cantu, a strength and conditioning coach at Birthfit. Birthfit offers specialized strength and conditioning training tailored for mothers and their motherhood journey. Throughout the conversation, Lindsey shares her personal experience of giving birth and discusses how her philosophies influenced this meaningful moment. She also explains how her birthing experience inspired her to develop various programs and offerings at Birthfit.Listeners will learn about the seven pillars of optimal birth and the benefits of adhering to them. According to Lindsey, several aspects are non-negotiable before, during, and after pregnancy: hydration, a well-balanced diet, quality sleep, and, of course, mild to moderate exercise. The transition into motherhood is one of the most physically and mentally demanding experiences a person can go through, and approaching it actively and thoughtfully is essential. Tune in to discover more!About Lindsey Mathews CantuDoctor of Chiropractic, Strength and Conditioning Coach, NLP Practitioner, (Retired) Birth Doula, Yoga Instructor... Most important job - wife & mother.Connect with LindseyWebsite: BIRTHFIT.comInstagram: @BIRTHFITIn this episodeWhat are the 7 pillars of optimal birth and how you can improve them;How Lindsey's philosophies influenced her own birthing experience;The importance of postpartum (avoiding malnourishment);Lindsey's experiences impacted her programs on Birthfit;Lindsey's recommendations for postpartum;Why it is important to wait 6 weeks before starting exercising again.Episode resourceswww.birthfit.com/blog/too-much-fitnesswww.caseymeans.com/goodenergydemosschiropractic.comwww.polyvagalinstitute.org/whatispolyvagaltheorywww.innatetraditions.comThis show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Christian Hypnobirthing | Go to christianhypnobirthing.com/birthinginstincts to get 30% off Christian Hypnobirthing's Faith-Filled Childbirth course.Mama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com
  • #399 Let's Begin Again with Zach Bush, MD
    Welcome to another episode of Birthing Instincts Podcast. In this episode, Blyss and Dr. Stu welcome Zach Bush, MD, to the show. Zach is an incredible thinker and orator on many relevant topics that affect us all. The conversation ventures into the realm of maternity care, optimal health, and the medical system in general. Zach's responses to these various topics couldn't be more than eye and mind-opening.They discuss not only maternity care but also the health of humanity and the planet as a whole since our soul is a fraction of the whole universe, and every time a birth occurs, a soul is created. Zach also shares his opinion on how we, as a society, have a fundamental failure of respect and a nature deficit disorder. Tune in to learn more!About Zach Bush, MDZach Bush, MD is a renowned, multi-disciplinary physician of internal medicine, endocrinology, hospice care, and internationally recognized educator on the microbiome as it relates to human health, soil health, food systems, and a regenerative future.Connect with ZachWebsite: https://zachbushmd.com/Instagram: @zachbushmdIn this episodeZach discusses the health system and maternity care;Seeing the process of fertility and pregnancy as miraculous vs. life-threatening;How to understand and change a patriarchal medical system;How early education plays a role in forming medical professionals;Natural birth and optimal health;How to find the courage to continue to speak your truth.Episode resourcesThe best way to support Journey of Intrinsic Health is by joining one of their programs. For more information on how to join, visit journeyofintrinsichealth.com.This show is supported byWeNatal | Go to WeNatal.com/Birthinginstincts for a free magnesium with any subscription order. BIRTHFIT | Go to birthfit.com and use the code INSTINCTS for 20% off any fitness program.Christian Hypnobirthing | Go to christianhypnobirthing.com/birthinginstincts to get 30% off Christian Hypnobirthing's Faith-Filled Childbirth course.Mama Meals | Go to mama-meals.com code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for $10 off a small box or $20 off any other box. Go to mamamealspantry.com and use code BIRTHINGINSTINCTS for 10% off pantry items.Connect with Dr. Stu and BlyssJoin our Patreon! patreon.com/birthinginstinctspodcastInstagram: @birthinginstincts/@birthingblyssWebsite: birthinginstincts.com/birthingblyss.comEmail: [email protected] line: 805-399-0439Podcast webpage: birthinginstinctspodcast.com

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Sobre Birthing Instincts

The birth world can be overwhelming for parents and practitioners alike. Dr. Stuart Fischbein and Midwife Blyss Young and their combined 55+ years of experience are here to support you in this beautiful rite of passage.Join the weekly conversation as we blend wisdom and humor in discussing our recent births, the latest research, traditional healing, and instinctual birth.  
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