A place for finding freedom through embracing the journey and adventure of life. This podcast dives into all of the messy parts of life as we unpack together ho...
The Hot Girl Reset: Detoxing Your Body & Mind on Repeat
What's the key to living longer, looking hotter & feeling your best??DETOXINGIn todays episode Alexis and Mackenzie chat through their quarterly, weekly + daily detoxing practices that have genuinely changed their body, souls + spirits in more ways than one.Dr. Cabral Detox : code "MACKENZIE10" Mackenzie's books of the month:Rain Barrel EffectBe Ready When Luck Happens: Ina Garten 12 Week Year
Wait, but maybe I don’t want to be a nurse??
Welcome back to another week over on Lets Chat Soon, todays episode is for nurses or really anyone who feels stuck in the cycle that is their career. Today the girls are chatting over one option to work from anywhere, build your own business, and how to truly make a difference in your clients lives.Let us introduce to you health coaching.Interested in becoming a health coach?? We'll be hosting another webinar soon, drop your email here to be the first to know about it. Set up a call with IHP admissions team here. Schedule a call with Mackenzie to hear more about her experience. Additionally Mackenzie + Alexis dms are always open to talk about anything but we would especially love to come along side you in this journey because we know it is not an easy one.If you're here listening about to take a BIG step, we are so proud of you.Alexis: instagramMackenzie: instagramLCS: instagramChat soon, XxAlexis + Mackenzie
5 Ways To Use Love Languages To Foster Relationships
Today we're chatting through Gary Chapmans book "The Five Love Languages," if you're not familiar with the book it is one of the greatest tools to help further relationships in your life. Today we sit down and talk practicality of love languages. Because we kinda suck at this loving others thing sometimes, right? Even more we suck at accepting love too. This episode dives into all of that. How do we focus more on fostering and growing relationships over how we look or feel on our own. If you liked todays episode, leave a comment down below or shoot us a dm on instagram. XxAlexis + Mackenzie
Ins & Outs of 2025
This episode was so much fun!! We hope you enjoyed sitting down with us hearing our ins & outs of 2025. If you enjoyed this episode share this podcast with a friend, leave a review + comment below. If you're looking to start your new year off with a detox I've linked the one Mackenzie just did here!Comment on our latest instagram post some of your ins & outs for 2025.
Why You Don't Need A New Year, New Me: goals vs visions walking into 2025
What if your goals are something you actually cannot achieve but is something that is only in Gods hands? This episode feels like therapy to us. Walking into a new year not really needing a "new me" feels interesting. Why does every year start with needing to reinvent ourselves. You're amazing & so cool RIGHT NOW -- what if there is not too much you want to change about your life? I've always heard the statement that "A life not evaluated is a life not worth living." If you are someone who does not often evaluate your life, the new year is an amazing time to do so. But maybe you're in our boat and there isn't too much that needs to change. Become a Health Coach: hereInstagram: here
A place for finding freedom through embracing the journey and adventure of life. This podcast dives into all of the messy parts of life as we unpack together how we can experience deep rooted joy. Alexis and Mackenzie chat all things body, soul and spirit by breaking down relationships, health + wellness and faith.XxAlexis + Mackenzie