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Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information: Menopause, Midlife, and More

Podcast Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information: Menopause, Midlife, and More
Lauren Streicher, MD
Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, leaky bladders, weight gain, hair loss, inability to orgasm? Nothing is off limits in these fact filled, solution-driven and often...

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5 de 127
  • S3 Ep172: COME AGAIN!
    Welcome to COME AGAIN:  Sexuality and Orgasm Podcast What if suddenly your tried-and-true maneuvers that consistently ended in orgasm no longer worked? Or it took so long and the climax so pathetic it was hardly worth the effort? Along with hot flashes, sandpaper sex, and a loss of libido, add the inability to have an orgasm to the list of post-menopause surprises your mom "forgot" to warn you about. In this episode you will hear the first two episodes of COME AGAIN-a new podcast series  with science-based information to get your libido to kick in and your clitoral nerve endings to wake up while also being wildly entertaining                             For more INFORMATION and to SUBSCRIBE COME AGAIN:  Sexuality and Orgasm is a limited podcast series  Part One- Sexual Function and Obstacles to Orgasm §  An overview of female sexuality, arousal and obstacles to orgasm.  §  What it takes for an orgasm to occur §  What can happen as a consequence of menopause, aging, medications and  medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer  Part Two - Everyone Come! Part Two focuses on hormonal and non-hormonal solutions to   eliminate pain  boost arousal  wake up your clitoris  COME AGAIN is intended for both healthcare professionals and the general public.                               For more INFORMATION and to SUBSCRIBE Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She is a certified menopause practitioner of The Menopause Society. She is the Medical Director of Community Education and Outreach for Midi Health. Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine.  DrStreicher.com Instagram @DrStreich Facebook @DrStreicher YouTube @DrStreicherTV LinkedIn @DrStreicher                   Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER     Books by Lauren Streicher, MD  Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain   Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat   Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever   The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy                                        To Find a Menopause Clinician Midi Health   www.Joinmidi.com Midi Health is a telehealth company that provides high-level menopause care and takes insurance in all 50 states. Dr. Streicher is Midi’s Medical Director of Education and Community Outreach and is familiar with their medical protocols, which are all regularly updated and set by the top academic menopause experts in the country.    The Menopause Society- Certified Menopause Practitioner List Menopause.org To find a menopause practitioner: https://portal.menopause.org/NAMS/NAMS/Directory/Menopause-Practitioner.aspx Put in your zip code and designate NCMP or CMSP to get a certified menopause practitioner. While all people on this list have passed a competency examination, Dr. Streicher does not vouch for every one of these clinicians. Most are excellent.   Major Medical Centers It also may be helpful to check with major medical centers in your area. Many have menopause clinics or lists of doctors who have an interest and expertise in menopause.    If you are in the Chicago area, the center founded by Dr. Streicher:  The Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause Sexmedmenopause.nm.org        Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information podcast is for education and information and is not intended to replace medical advice from your personal healthcare clinician. Dr. Streicher disclaims liability for any medical outcomes that may occur because of applying methods suggested or discussed in this podcast.
  • S3 Ep171: TEETH TALK with Whitney DiFoggio MA, RDH
    As our bodies age, so do our teeth. And, no surprise, menopause also has an impact on dental health. My guest, Whitney Difoggio, AKA Teeth Talk Girl ,knows it all when it comes to dental hygiene ,anti-aging tips and post menopause teeth, gums, and tongues. Whitney DiFoggio, founder of teethtalkgirl.com, is a passionate dental health communicator and registered dental hygienist, recognized as "Teeth Talk Girl" on social media (@teethtalkgirl). With a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Illinois Chicago and a master’s degree in health communication from Arizona State University, she is currently pursuing her doctorate in health science at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Whitening  Dentures Dry mouth Burning mouth Fluoride Flossing (and other uses for dental floss!)  Electric toothbrushes Losing teeth Website: teethtalkgirl.com YouTube: YouTube.com/TeethTalk Instagram: @teethtalkgirl TikTok: @teethtalkgirl Facebook: @teethtalkgirl Please take my survey about the relationship between vaginal dryness and dry mouth. It will take no more than 3 minutes to fill out. As a thank you, I am giving away 10 free subscriptions to my paid substack for the year! DrStreicher.Substack.com If you are willing to give me your e-mail at the end, I will enter you.  If you prefer to take it anonymously, known you are making a major contribution to menopause research! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HOWDRYIAM   Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She is a certified menopause practitioner of The Menopause Society. She is the Medical Director of Community Education and Outreach for Midi Health. Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine.  DrStreicher.com Instagram @DrStreich Facebook @DrStreicher YouTube @DrStreicherTV LinkedIn @DrStreicher                   Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER   Books by Lauren Streicher, MD  Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain   Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy                                      To Find a Menopause Clinician Midi Health   www.Joinmidi.com Midi Health is a telehealth company that provides high-level menopause care and takes insurance in all 50 states. Dr. Streicher is Midi’s Medical Director of Education and Community Outreach and is familiar with their medical protocols, which are all regularly updated and set by the top academic menopause experts in the country.    The Menopause Society- Certified Menopause Practitioner List Menopause.org To find a menopause practitioner: https://portal.menopause.org/NAMS/NAMS/Directory/Menopause-Practitioner.aspx Put in your zip code and designate NCMP or CMSP to get a certified menopause practitioner. While all people on this list have passed a competency examination, Dr. Streicher does not vouch for every one of these clinicians. Most are excellent.   Major Medical Centers It also may be helpful to check with major medical centers in your area. Many have menopause clinics or lists of doctors who have an interest and expertise in menopause.    If you are in the Chicago area, the center founded by Dr. Streicher:  The Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause Sexmedmenopause.nm.org        Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information podcast is for education and information and is not intended to replace medical advice from your personal healthcare clinician. Dr. Streicher disclaims liability for any medical outcomes that may occur because of applying methods suggested or discussed in this podcast.
  • S3 Ep170: The Dark History of the Pelvic Exam
    The vagina is a dark and mysterious place. It is the passage by which most of us enter the world. As an adult, it is the place where our sexuality is housed, hopefully, associated with pleasure, but it can also be a place associated with pain, and sometimes trauma.  It is impossible to see the vagina without a speculum since the vagina is completely internal. And it was the invention of the speculum that allowed physicians to help women suffering from gynecologic conditions.  But, there is a dark history to the origins of the speculum exam, and even in recent times there are those that have taken advantage of this very vulnerable moment to harm, not help women.   In this episode, I have a conversation with Dr. Wendy Kline, a Professor at Perdue University who is internationally recognized for her scholarship in the history of medicine, the history of women’s health, and the history of childbirth.  She is the author of many books, including her most recent book: Exposed: The Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam.  19th century- The invention of the speculum and how it changed gynecology The 1960s- the age of medical paternalism  2010 when the American College of Physicians said pelvic exams were no longer necessary Today- how predators and abusers have taken advantage of women during gynecologic exams Exposed: The Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam  Dr. Streicher is on SUBSTACK DrStreicher.Substack.com Wendy Kline Ph.D., Dema G. Seelye Chair in the History of Medicine at Purdue University, is internationally recognized for her scholarship in the history of medicine, history of women's health and the history of childbirth. She is the author of four major books: Exposed: The Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam (Polity, June 2024); Coming Home: How Midwives Changed Birth (Oxford University Press, 2019);  Bodies of Knowledge: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Women’s Health in the Second Wave (U. of Chicago Press 2010); and Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom (U. of California Press, 2001). Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She is a certified menopause practitioner of The Menopause Society. She is the Medical Director of Community Education and Outreach for Midi Health. Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine.  DrStreicher.com Instagram @DrStreich Facebook @DrStreicher YouTube @DrStreicherTV LinkedIn @DrStreicher                   Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER   Books by Lauren Streicher, MD  Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain   Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy                                      To Find a Menopause Clinician Midi Health   www.Joinmidi.com Midi Health is a telehealth company that provides high-level menopause care and takes insurance in all 50 states. Dr. Streicher is Midi’s Medical Director of Education and Community Outreach and is familiar with their medical protocols, which are all regularly updated and set by the top academic menopause experts in the country.  The Menopause Society- Certified Menopause Practitioner List Menopause.org To find a menopause practitioner: https://portal.menopause.org/NAMS/NAMS/Directory/Menopause-Practitioner.aspx Put in your zip code and designate NCMP or CMSP to get a certified menopause practitioner. While all people on this list have passed a competency examination, Dr. Streicher does not vouch for every one of these clinicians. Most are excellent.   Major Medical Centers It also may be helpful to check with major medical centers in your area. Many have menopause clinics or lists of doctors who have an interest and expertise in menopause.    If you are in the Chicago area, the center founded by Dr. Streicher:  The Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause Sexmedmenopause.nm.org      Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information podcast is for education and information and is not intended to replace medical advice from your personal healthcare clinician. Dr. Streicher disclaims liability for any medical outcomes that may occur because of applying methods suggested or discussed in this podcast.
  • S3 Ep169: When Progesterone is Problematic: A Collaboration on a Complex Patient with Dr. Risa Kagan
    Menopause experts rarely see patients with no medical issues. We see the patient with multiple medical problems and concerns.  In this episode, I bring in menopause expert Dr. Risa Kagan to collaborate on options for the following complex patient. (Be sure and check out my Substack article that gets into the nuances of bazodoxifene) Beth is 51 years old.  I’ve been flashing for 2 years with no end in sight.  I really want to try estrogen not just to help my hot flashes, but also because my mom had osteoporosis. I don’t have osteoporosis yet, but I’m worried since I’ve been told I have low bone mass.  My doctor won’t give me estrogen because my grandmother died from breast cancer. She wants me to take raloxifene to protect my bones and my breast, but that won’t help my flashes. I also would rather not take anything with progesterone since when I took it years ago to help with irregular periods, I got moody and bloated. I need some help here. “ *Options discussed include: Raloxifene (Evista™) A Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and estrogen together Paroxitene (Brisdelle™) Gabapentin Fezolinetant (Veozah™) Fezolinetant and raloxifene together Estrogen and vaginal progestogen gel (Crinone™) Estrogen and a Progestogen IUD Unopposed estrogen Conjugated equine estrogen (Premarin™) and bazodoxifene (Duavee™) *I have no financial relationship with any of the companies that sell these drugs For more information on this topic:  Episode 2:Think Your Hot Flashes Can't Kill You? Think Again! Episode 31 The TRUTH About Hormone Therapy: Does it CAUSE or PREVENT Breast Cancer? Episode 46 Finding a Menopause Clinician Who Will Listen  Episode 77 Fezolinetant! A New Non-Hormonal Hot Flash Drug  Episode 80 When Progesterone is a Problem  Episode 84 Non-Hormonal Prescription Drugs to Treat Hot Flashes Ep 111 Bone Up with Hormone Therapy with Dr. DeSapri Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, and the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause. She is a certified menopause practitioner of the North American Menopause Society.  Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine.  Subscribe and Follow Dr. Streicher on  DrStreicher.com Instagram @DrStreich Twitter @DrStreicher Facebook  @DrStreicher YouTube  DrStreicherTV Books by Lauren Streicher, MD  Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy Put the O Back in Mojo: A Guide to Post Menopause Libido and Orgasm (available for pre-order) 
  • S3 Ep168: GLP-1 Drugs- The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown
    GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic™ and Wegovy™ do a great job at helping folks lose large amounts of weight, but there is emerging evidence that the benefits go well beyond achieving a healthy weight. And then there is the dark side…can they also harm?  In this episode, Dr. Alexandra Sowa, an internist who is certified in obesity medicine, and the author of the just published book The Ozempic Revolution: A Doctor's Proven Plan for Success to Help You Reverse Obesity, End Yo-Yo Dieting, and Protect Yourself from Disease discusses the impact of the GLP-1 drugs throughout the body.  How GLP-1s work New drugs on the horizon Benefits beyond weight loss Cardiovascular health Kidney health Brain health Sleep Apnea Liver health Addiction management Cancer Depression? Eye Health Thyroid problems Hair loss Muscle loss Maximizing success Maintenance Compounding pros and cons If any doctor can prescribe a GLP1  The advantage of seeing an obesity specialist Advocating for insurance coverage MidiHealth provides high-level menopause care and also offers a comprehensive weight management program including access to GLP-1 drugs. www.Joinmidi.com Dr. Alexandra Sowa Dr. Alexandra Sowa is a dual board-certified physician in internal and obesity medicine and author of the groundbreaking book The Ozempic Revolution. With over a decade of clinical experience, Dr. Sowa has become a leading voice in metabolic health, specializing in GLP-1 medications and their transformative role in tackling obesity and chronic illness.      Lauren Streicher, MD is a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, the founding medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, and a Senior Research Fellow of The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. She is a certified menopause practitioner of The Menopause Society. She is the Medical Director of Community Education and Outreach for Midi Health.  Dr. Streicher is the medical correspondent for Chicago’s top-rated news program, the WGN Morning News, and has been seen on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, NPR, Dr. Radio, Nightline, Fox and Friends, The Steve Harvey Show, CBS This Morning, ABC News Now, NBCNightlyNews,20/20, and World News Tonight. She is an expert source for many magazines and serves on the medical advisory board of The Kinsey Institute, Self Magazine, and Prevention Magazine. She writes a regular column for The Ethel by AARP and Prevention Magazine. Dr. Streicher is on SUBSTACK • Articles • Monthly newsletter • Monthly News Flash Reports on recent research • Monthly Zoom Q and A Webinar • To SUBSCRIBE to Dr. Streicher’s Substack DrStreicher.com Instagram @DrStreich Facebook @DrStreicher YouTube @DrStreicherTV LinkedIn @DrStreicher                    Sign up to receive DR. STREICHER’S FREE NEWSLETTER    Books by Lauren Streicher, MD    Slip Sliding Away: Turning Back the Clock on Your Vagina-A gynecologist’s guide to eliminating post-menopause dryness and pain    Hot Flash Hell: A Gynecologist's Guide to Turning Down the Heat Sex Rx- Hormones, Health, and Your Best Sex Ever The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy                                      To Find a Menopause Clinician   Midi Health   www.Joinmidi.com Midi Health is a telehealth company that provides high-level menopause care and takes insurance in all 50 states. Dr. Streicher is Midi’s Medical Director of Education and Community Outreach and is familiar with their medical protocols, which are all regularly updated and set by the top academic menopause experts in the country.    The Menopause Society- Certified Menopause Practitioner List Menopause.org To find a menopause practitioner: https://portal.menopause.org/NAMS/NAMS/Directory/Menopause-Practitioner.aspx Put in your zip code and designate NCMP or CMSP to get a certified menopause practitioner. While everyone on this list has passed a competency examination, Dr. Streicher does not vouch for every one of these clinicians. Most are excellent.    Major Medical Centers It also may be helpful to check with major medical centers in your area. Many have menopause clinics or lists of doctors who have an interest and expertise in menopause.     If you are in the Chicago area, the center founded by Dr. Streicher:  The Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause Sexmedmenopause.nm.org    Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information podcast is for education and information and is not intended to replace medical advice from your personal healthcare clinician. Dr. Streicher disclaims liability for any medical outcomes that may occur because of applying methods suggested or discussed in this podcast.                

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Sobre Dr. Streicher’s Inside Information: Menopause, Midlife, and More

Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, leaky bladders, weight gain, hair loss, inability to orgasm? Nothing is off limits in these fact filled, solution-driven and often surprisingly funny podcasts that address the specific symptoms women face as they navigate perimenopause and post-menopause. Each segment is like having an in-depth consultation with Dr. Lauren Streicher, a nationally recognized menopause expert and the founding Medical Director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause. Guests will include other experts on all things menopause.  So strap in- it’s going to be quite the ride! This is THE podcast for accurate information about menopause but is not meant to be personal medical advice.
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