so many times i've found myself measuring the quality of not only my day but the quality of my life by the degree of an emotion. even further, i've sometimes found myself identifying with not only an emotion but with an experience— confusing myself, my worth, my whole ass being with the experience itself. and while our big brains are doing it's best to protect us + help us endure challenge, it often ends up doing the exact opposite. the truth is, we are a separate entity from our experiences. awareness of this truth has helped the both of us experience all the richness that life has to offer (emotions included) without attaching or identifying to any of it. we've become grounded enough in our experiences to allow ourselves to be human but also connected enough to Divine to allow our spirits + souls to remain infinite, abundant + open to all that this experience has to offer.
may this conversation finds whoever it is meant to find. i love you and i appreciate you for being here. <3
Immense gratitude to Honeylove for sponsoring this episode. For a limited time, get up to 60% OFF @honeylove by going to #honeylovepod
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a very vulnerable life update.
hiii, bb. this conversation was originally intended for my personal youtube channel but i wanted to share + connect in this space as well. illlyyyy.
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real b*tches do what they want.
i meannnnn.... do i really need to say anything else? 😭
in all seriousness, i've been slowly but surely transforming into an era of my life where i legit don't have the energy to care about how i'm being perceived. i wasted a lot of time and energy caring too much to the point where i didn't do what i wanted to do. i wasn't living for me. but for quite some time now, i've done exactly what i want to do and so much freedom lies in this space. and it is sooo dangerously addictive in the best way possible.
in this episode, sunset tim and i have a conversation about showing up as your truest self in every capacity no matter how anyone else feels about you or the moves you make. eliminating all f*cks liberates the soul.
vote for us here. you can either type for the healthy hoes in the search bar at the top right or click on the category, video podcast to find us. thank you so much for supporting us. we're so hyped to keep growing together. we love you.
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connect with sunset tim:
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connect with FTHH:
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if you are a brand that is interested in partnering with us, please email [email protected]
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444 prayer. 🧚🏾✨🖤
an everyday prayer for peace, protection + guidance. 🫂
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the art of no urgency.
I realized a little while ago that I existed in a state of urgency, in a mental space— naturally affecting other areas of my being. Once I came to this realization, I intentionally created practices and philosophies that reduce urgency and allow me to return to a state of mindfulness, peace, and calm. I refer to this way of being as the art of no urgency. These practices are slowly but surely allowing me to return to myself.
I hope this conversation finds exactly who it needs to. I really appreciate you for being here and spending time with me. I love you.
Thank you Honeylove for sponsoring today's episode. Get Up to 50% OFF @honeylove by going to #honeylovepod
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connect with sunset tim:
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connect with FTHH:
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if you are a brand that is interested in partnering with us, please email [email protected] or [email protected]
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