Welcome to French chit-chat with Dylane!
Every Friday, Beefy (the cute little dog sometimes in my videos on Youtube) and I will talk about an easy subject in s...
Mon dernier chit-chat - Le métro Parisien | 5 Minutes Slow French Podcast 🇫🇷
My last chit-chat 😢 For this week's slow French chit-chat, we’re exploring one of the most iconic parts of Paris: the metro! Inaugurated in 1900 for the World’s Fair, the Paris metro is much more than just a transportation system. Did you know that the famous wrought-iron metro entrances were designed by Hector Guimard in the Art Nouveau style? Or that some stations, like Bastille, are decorated with artwork that tells the city’s history?
We’ll dive into the unique charm of the metro, from its 16 lines and hundreds of stations to hidden stations closed to the public but still used as film sets!
This is my last chit-chat. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me ❤️ I will continue to upload every weekday on my first YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheperfectfrenchwithDylane
Subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2 a month and get 4 bundles of exercises!
• Le cahier d'exercices sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FrenchchitchatwithDylane
• Le PDF : https://theperfectfrench.com/french-stories/le-metro-parisien-b1-b2/
Le Débarquement de Normandie | 5 Minutes Slow French Podcast 🇫🇷
Cette semaine, le sujet de notre chit-chat est le débarquement de Normandie, un des événements les plus marquants de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. On parle de la planification minutieuse des Alliés, des difficultés rencontrées sur les plages normandes, et du courage incroyable des soldats qui ont changé le cours de l’histoire.
Est-ce que vous vous êtes déjà interessé à l'histoire du débarquement ?
This week, the subject of our chit-chat is the Normandy Landing, one of the most significant events of World War II. We talk about the meticulous planning by the Allies, the challenges faced on the Normandy beaches, and the incredible courage of the soldiers who changed the course of history.
Subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2 a month and get 4 bundles of exercises!
• Le cahier d'exercices sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FrenchchitchatwithDylane
• Le PDF : https://theperfectfrench.com/french-stories/le-debarquement-de-normandie-b1-b2
5 inventions qui ont changé le monde | 5 Minutes Slow French Podcast 🇫🇷
Cette semaine, le sujet de notre chit-chat est "Cinq inventions qui ont changé le monde". On parle de la roue, de l’électricité, d’internet, des ascenseurs et du moteur à vapeur, et de la manière dont chacune de ces inventions a transformé notre quotidien et l’histoire de l’humanité.
Est-ce que vous avez déjà réfléchi à l’impact de ces inventions sur notre vie moderne ?
This week, the subject of our chat is "Five Inventions That Changed the World." We talk about the wheel, electricity, the internet, elevators, and the steam engine, and how each of these inventions transformed our daily lives and human history.
Have you ever thought about the impact these inventions have had on our modern life?
Subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2 a month and get 4 bundles of exercises!
• Le cahier d'exercices sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FrenchchitchatwithDylane
• Le PDF : https://theperfectfrench.com/french-stories/5-inventions-qui-ont-change-le-monde-b1-b2/
Les géants de l'Île de Pâques 🗿 | 5 Minutes Slow French Podcast 🇫🇷
Cette semaine, le sujet de notre chit-chat est les géants de l'Île de Pâques. On parle de leur histoire, de leur construction, des théories sur leur transport et de la mystérieuse civilisation qui les a créés.
Est-ce que vous avez déjà entendu parler de ces géants de pierre ?
C'est un sujet un peu différent de ce qu'on voit d'habitude donc j'espère que vous l'aimerez :)
This week, the subject of our chat is the giants of Easter Island. We talk about their history, their construction, theories about their transport, and the mysterious civilization that created them.
Have you ever heard of these stone giants?
It's a little different topic than what we usually see so I hope you like it :)
Subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2 a month and get 4 bundles of exercises!
• Le cahier d'exercices sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FrenchchitchatwithDylane
• Le PDF : https://theperfectfrench.com/french-stories/les-geants-de-lile-de-paques-b1-b2/
Le camembert 🧀 | 5 Minutes Slow French Podcast 🇫🇷
This week, we're diving into the delicious world of French cheese with one of the most iconic varieties: Camembert. Originating from Normandy, this creamy, soft cheese is beloved worldwide for its rich flavor and fascinating history. Did you know that only 4% of the Camembert sold today is made traditionally in France? Or that a box of Camembert once traveled to the Moon during the Apollo 16 mission?
We'll explore the origins of Camembert, its unique production process, and the best ways to enjoy it—whether simply on a slice of fresh bread with a glass of cider or roasted with a sprig of rosemary.
Have you ever tried Camembert? How do you like to eat it? Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it myself due to lactose intolerance, but my husband loves it on a slice of bread.
This slow French chit-chat is perfect for B1 B2 learners, with accessible vocabulary and clear explanations. Remember, you can download the free PDF or get the exercise book on Patreon. Let's talk about Camembert!
Subscribe to my Patreon for as little as $2 a month and get 4 bundles of exercises!
• Le cahier d'exercices sur Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FrenchchitchatwithDylane
• Le PDF : https://theperfectfrench.com/french-stories/le-camembert-b1-b2/
Welcome to French chit-chat with Dylane!
Every Friday, Beefy (the cute little dog sometimes in my videos on Youtube) and I will talk about an easy subject in slow French as it's spoken by French native speakers.
Develop your vocabulary, get better at recognizing sounds, and learn new idioms and expressions naturally. With a new Chit-Chat weekly to help you improve. Finally, you can get the free PDF of each chit-chat. French conversation with English and French subtitles (Youtube), in slow French by a native French Speaker!