Learn to work with your beautiful, unique brain, not against it. Dr. Sarah Rose-Jensen has a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution and extensive work in traum...
The body scan is part of most meditation instructions, but it can be difficult for people who are neurodivergent and/or have trauma. The body scan might be distracting, or force you to engage with a painful part of your body before you are ready. But it's not essential! In this episode, I teach you some modifications and alternatives to the body scan that may be easier for people with ADHD, autism, and trauma.
In this episode, learn:
What the body scan is and why it's part of meditation
Why the body scan is challenging for some of us
Alternatives that might make meditation easier
Embody Success
In this episode, I teach you how to use embodiment to make success habitual. You will learn:
Procrastination is based in fear
Success is largely about habits
How to use positive neuroplasticity to change habits
How to use embodiment to get over procrastination and make success a habit
For more on embodiment and somatics, see the work of Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk. For more on positive neuroplasticity, see Dr. Rick Hanson, especially his podcast with Forest Hanson, Being Well.
Rest is Hard!
We talk a lot about rest, but seldom talk about how challenging it can be to actually rest, especially if you have ADD. I recently had to take a medical rest, and I learned that resting is really hard! In this episode, I talk about logistical and ego challenges of taking a rest. I also talk about how to build short rests into your daily life.
Develop Better Coping Mechanism
Learn to develop better coping mechanisms.
In this episode I talk about "negative" or maladaptive coping mechanisms - what they are, why they develop, and why they work. Then, learn how to replace these negative coping mechanisms with healthier, more effective coping, including how to use movement and somatics to improve your brain chemistry and mood.
Notes: For more on somatics, see the work of Bessel van der Kolk and Peter Levine (who has a new book out). On habits, see the work of James Clear.
Build a Refuge
In this episode, learn how to build a refuge or to take refuge, when you are experiencing difficulty. A refuse is a physical or mental space in which you feel calm, supported, and resourced. Learn 3 ways to build a refuge for yourself - by taking refuge in the 3 Jewels of Buddhism, a physical refuge, or a mental space of refuge. This will allow you to support and reset your nervous system when you are stressed, in pain, or experiencing other difficulty. This practice can strengthen your mental health, improve your sleep, and increase your ability to tolerate pain.
Learn to work with your beautiful, unique brain, not against it. Dr. Sarah Rose-Jensen has a PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution and extensive work in trauma healing. She teaches you about mental health, mindfulness, meditation, and related topics, from a neurodiverse-friendly, trauma-informed, Theravada Buddhist perspective. Learn about how to improve your mental health, strengthen your concertation, develop habits, and more, while working with the aspects of your brain that make you unique.