Kidney360 is ASN's first open access, online only, general kidney journal that includes content from all disciplines of kidney science. Published content includ...
Psychosocial Determinants for Self-Reported Health Status in Hemodialysis Patients: A Cohort Analysis of the CONVINCE Randomized Trial
This episode focuses on a study that looks at how confidence in managing daily challenges (self-efficacy) and having support from others (social support), affect the overall well-being of people on hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration.
A Single-Center Retrospective Study to Identify Causes of Sex Differences in the Living Kidney Donor Evaluation Process
This study examined the living kidney donor evaluation process to determine the point sex imbalance arises. There were 1,861 self-referrals, resulting in 146 approvals and 125 donations . Female overrepresentation stems from a higher self-referral rate.
Impact of Time-interval and Frequency of Hospitalization Due to Fluid Overload on Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis: Thailand Experience
This Podcast discusses a study on the effect of fluid overload-related hospitalizations on survival in PD patients. The study found that patients hospitalized due to fluid overload within the first 12 months of starting PD had higher mortality rates.
The Time-Dependent Effect of Assistance on Peritoneal Dialysis Duration: An Analysis of Data from the RDPLF
This episode highlights a study on the time-varying effect of assistance on risk of PD cessation using data from the RDPLF of 15675 incident PD patients. Patients treated with assisted PD had a greater risk of death and a lower risk of transfer to HD.
A Prospective Study of Depression and Quality of Life After Kidney Transplantation
In an analysis of patients undergoing kidney transplantation, depression and health related quality of life were measured at 3-months and 1-year post-transplantation. Depression and HRQOL improve with KT.
Kidney360 is ASN's first open access, online only, general kidney journal that includes content from all disciplines of kidney science. Published content includes both clinical and basic science papers. Kidney360 promises to bring you the same high-quality peer-review you've come to expect from ASN's publications.