Unearth nuggets of buried treasure discovered throughout the week in the world of finance, business, and markets with Corey Hoffstein and Jason Buck. Pirates of...
T-Bills vs. Timepieces: Locking Up Wealth or Acquiring Timeless Beauty
PoF Season 04 Episode 25 The Pirates of Finance - a weekly show by @JasonCBuck and @choffstein covering everything from Enigmatic Background Décor to Real Estate Roller Coasters. Come on in, the water is fine. 00:00 Intro 01:30 The Enigmatic Background Décor 03:00 Real Estate Roller Coaster: Astonishing Property Pricing 10:00 Calculated Risks: Mortgage Sizes and Investment Strategies 15:00 Private Ventures and Sporting Dreams 20:00 T-Bills vs. Timepieces: Locking Up Wealth or Acquiring Timeless Beauty ON OTHER PLATFORMS Twitter @FinancePirates https://twitter.com/FinancePirates TikTok @PiratesOfFinance https://www.tiktok.com/@piratesoffinance INTRO MUSIC By taylorgalford.bandcamp.com THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UP AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS SHOW ARE OF THE HOSTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH. THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH MAY MAINTAIN POSITIONS IN SECURITIES DISCUSSED IN THIS SHOW. #investing #finance #business #investing #stockmarket #inflation
Unintended Bets and Diversification: Navigating Long-Term Goals in Portfolio Construction
PoF Season 04 Episode 24 The Pirates of Finance - a weekly show by @JasonCBuck and @choffstein covering everything from Privates and Unintended Bets to Business Stability. Come on in, the water is fine. 00:00 Intro 01:30 Unintended Bets 03:00 Sector and Industry Tilt Considerations 07:30 Rebalancing and Market Efficiency 14:00 Consideration of Cryptocurrencies and NFTs 19:00 Portfolio Allocation in Relation to Business Stability 23:00 Real Estate and Private Equity ON OTHER PLATFORMS Twitter @FinancePirates https://twitter.com/FinancePirates TikTok @PiratesOfFinance https://www.tiktok.com/@piratesoffinance INTRO MUSIC By taylorgalford.bandcamp.com THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UP AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS SHOW ARE OF THE HOSTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH. THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH MAY MAINTAIN POSITIONS IN SECURITIES DISCUSSED IN THIS SHOW. #investing #finance #business #investing #stockmarket #inflation
1 Stock for 10 Years - What Are You Buying And Why
PoF Season 04 Episode 23 The Pirates of Finance - a weekly show by @JasonCBuck and @choffstein covering everything from Ritual Addiction to One Stock for the Next Decade. Come on in, the water is fine. 00:00 Intro 03:00 Ritual Addiction 10:30 Snobs all the way down 16:00 Corey's Question 27:00 Expanded to 10 stocks ON OTHER PLATFORMS Twitter @FinancePirates https://twitter.com/FinancePirates TikTok @PiratesOfFinance https://www.tiktok.com/@piratesoffinance INTRO MUSIC By taylorgalford.bandcamp.com THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UP AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS SHOW ARE OF THE HOSTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH. THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH MAY MAINTAIN POSITIONS IN SECURITIES DISCUSSED IN THIS SHOW. #investing #finance #business #investing #stockmarket #inflation
How To Network With Entrepreneurs
PoF Season 04 Episode 22 The Pirates of Finance - a weekly show by @JasonCBuck and @choffstein covering everything from MaCrO talk to proper Networking. This week, the duo talk ARNOLD, The VIX, Hedge funds & ETF creation. Come on in, the water is fine. 00:00 Intro 03:00 Hedge eye 09:36 The Dungeon Master 21:00 The Mentor 30:15 What is the VIX 40:10 Playing dress up 57:15 Hedgefunds and ETF creation ON OTHER PLATFORMS Twitter @FinancePirates https://twitter.com/FinancePirates TikTok @PiratesOfFinance https://www.tiktok.com/@piratesoffinance INTRO MUSIC By taylorgalford.bandcamp.com THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UP AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS SHOW ARE OF THE HOSTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH. THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH MAY MAINTAIN POSITIONS IN SECURITIES DISCUSSED IN THIS SHOW. #investing #finance #business #investing #stockmarket #inflation
Reinvest Wisely So Your Family Will Love You: Enigmatic Fine Art Returns, Messi & Sports Financing
PoF Season 04 Episode 21 The Pirates of Finance - a weekly show by @JasonCBuck and @choffstein covering everything from Athlete Debt Financing to Variance clocks. This week, the duo talk Enigmatic Returns on Fine Art, Unique Datasets, our favorite finance pods & ALPHA. Come on in, the water is fine. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Alpha Exchange 05:00 Art Returns 08:00 Athlete Debt Financing 17:00 Tail Risk 30:00 Time Variance 38:30 Value 57:00 Alpha ON OTHER PLATFORMS Twitter @FinancePirates https://twitter.com/FinancePirates TikTok @PiratesOfFinance https://www.tiktok.com/@piratesoffinance INTRO MUSIC By taylorgalford.bandcamp.com THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UP AS A BASIS FOR INVESTMENT DECISIONS. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS SHOW ARE OF THE HOSTS AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH. THE MUTINY FUND OR NEWFOUND RESEARCH MAY MAINTAIN POSITIONS IN SECURITIES DISCUSSED IN THIS SHOW. #investing #finance #business #investing #stockmarket #inflation
Unearth nuggets of buried treasure discovered throughout the week in the world of finance, business, and markets with Corey Hoffstein and Jason Buck. Pirates of Finance looks at the open sea of our financial world and discusses new finds, new ideas, and new trends. Pirates of Finance is livestreamed once a week on Fridays.