Jocko Underground: You Might Be Worrying Too Much About Your Kids.
>Join Jocko Underground<You Might by worrying too much about your kids. How to treat a friend with a disability. Plan your professional future THIS WAY. The problem with "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." How to advance in your career... if that's really what you want. Support this podcast at —
480: Learn To Read, Write, And Think.
>Join Jocko Underground< Guidelines from Professional Writing Guide from the Command and General Staff College. Support this podcast at —
479: First Troops On The Ground In Afghanistan. With Green Beret Scott Neil
>Join Jocko Underground<Green Beret, Scott Neil. Task Force K-Bar. First boots on the ground in Afghanistan after Sept. 11. Support this podcast at —
Jocko Underground: How to Deal with Adult Bullies.
>Join Jocko Underground<Facing a flagrant hostile bully at work.Organize your thoughts and get things done correctly.Getting people on board with things they think are not necessary.Should you ever become a Navy SEAL?Your follow-up emails are messing up your relationships.Support this podcast at —
478: Be The Comprehensive Human The Moment Demands. Jason Wilson Pt.2
>Join Jocko Underground<Jason Wilson faced many challenges growing up-the types of challenges that make many men turn down the wrong path-the demonic path that destroys people and ruins their souls. But, Jason was able to break away from that path-and get on another path: the Righteous Path...and he has helped thousands of people do the same through his books: Cry Like a Man, Battle Cry, and his most recent book, The Man the Moment Demands: Master the Ten Characteristics of the Comprehensive Man. He is an author, the founder and director of The Cave of Adullam Transformational Academy, Star of the Lawrence Fishburne-produced documentary, called The Cave of Adullam, he is a lifelong martial artist, and he is a husband and father.Support this podcast at —