I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Stor...
Moment 203: How To Actually Become Disciplined WITHOUT Willpower… The Leading Behaviour Expert
Discipline isn’t something you either have or don’t—it’s something you build. Chase Hughes, a leading expert in human behaviour breaks down how small changes in your habits and mindset can transform your ability to stay disciplined. Learn how to leverage focus, emotion, and repetition to create powerful, lasting habits.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link//qeaGbuGkwRb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//cFLUNTJkwRb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
Chase: https://chasehughes.com/
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The Ageing Doctor: These Are They Early Signs Of Arthritis! If You Run & Don't Do This, Start Now! The Secret Cause of Alzheimer's!
Could you be losing bone strength without realising it? Dr Vonda Wright breaks down the importance of bone health and its impact on osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and longevity
Dr Vonda Wright is an orthopaedic sports medicine surgeon and expert on active aging and mobility. She is the author of 44 research publications and of books such as, ‘Fitness After 40: Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60, and Beyond’.
In this conversation, Dr Vonda and Steven discuss topics such as, the truth about creatine for women, the early signs of arthritis, how running doesn’t build muscle, and the secret cause of Alzheimer's.
00:00 Intro
02:13 Vonda's Mission to Help People Live a Longer, Stronger Life
04:09 How Much of Vonda's Work Crosses Into the Cognitive Realm?
06:13 Training the Brain Like a Muscle
07:24 What Is Precision Longevity?
09:34 How Does the Body Change in Different Seasons of Life?
11:27 Why Do Men's Bones Maintain Their Density Longer Than Women's?
12:18 Is Loss of Bone Density Inevitable for Women?
14:01 Why Bone Health Is Crucial for Overall Health
19:57 How Do Bones Release Substances Into the Body?
22:02 What's Making Your Bones Fragile?
25:49 Importance of Impact Sports for Bone Health
26:52 How to Care for Bone Health During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
27:57 What Is the Bone-Brain Axis?
29:30 What Is the Critical Decade for Bone Health?
34:14 What Is Osteoporosis?
35:42 How Many Americans Over 50 Have Osteopenia?
36:58 Early Warning Signs of Osteoporosis
37:54 Smoking vs. Bone Health
38:38 Is There a Link Between Alzheimer's and Bone Health?
39:19 Alzheimer's Disease in Vonda's Family
41:07 Would Vonda Choose an Able Body or an Able Brain?
42:02 Prediabetes
46:22 Diet for Good Cognitive Performance
48:21 The Perfect Diet for Vonda
50:38 Strong Muscles and Bones as Keys to Longevity
50:58 You're Never Too Old to Build Strength
53:38 Workout Strategies for Building Muscle
55:36 Higher or Lower Weights: What's Best for Building Muscle?
56:56 Why Is Muscle Critical for Longevity?
01:00:00 Nutrients for Muscle Preservation
01:01:41 Why People Get Creatine Wrong
01:03:16 How to Find Motivation to Take Responsibility for Your Health
01:04:07 Vitamin D: Crucial for Bone Health
01:04:38 How to Prevent Injury While Running
01:08:58 Why Should People Avoid Obesity as They Age?
01:12:57 Strategies to Promote Motivation
01:15:45 Myths About Menopause
01:18:36 Link Between Menopause and Bone Density
01:19:53 The Musculoskeletal Syndrome of Menopause
01:25:02 What Causes Arthritis?
01:26:23 Is HRT a Remedy for Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Menopause?
01:27:31 Why Is Back Pain on the Rise?
01:30:09 Back Pain Prevention
01:31:34 Study: Age-Related Decline in Performance Among Elite Senior Athletes
01:33:29 New Book: Unbreakable
01:35:56 Link Between Menopause, Diabetes, and Alzheimer's
01:37:03 The Importance of Men Knowing About Menopause
01:38:50 How Do You Know When To Stop?
Follow Dr Vonda:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/PgWdlIghuRb
Website - https://g2ul0.app.link/fUepAxlhuRb
Podcast - https://g2ul0.app.link/0MRGecrhuRb
Spotify: You can purchase Dr Vonda’s book, ‘Fitness After 40: Your Strong Body at 40, 50, 60, and Beyond’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/pldFkf4guRb
Research Document: https://stevenbartlett.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/DOAC-Vonda-Wright-Independent-research-further-reading.pdf
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
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Get your hands on the Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://bit.ly/conversationcards-mp
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Child Attachment Expert: Hidden Dangers Of Daycare, It Might Be Causing Future Issues For Your Kid! Birth Rates Are Plummeting & Its Terrifying! Dr Erica Komisar
Erica Komisar is a clinical social worker, psychoanalyst, and parent guidance expert with over 30 years of private practice experience. She is the author of books such as, ‘Chicken Little the Sky Isn't Falling: Raising Resilient Adolescents in the New Age of Anxiety’.
In this conversation, Erica and Steven discuss topics such as, how the mental health crisis is impacting children, how attachment disorders are created in childhood, the dangers of the falling birth rate, and how daycare may cause future issues for your kid.
00:00 Intro
02:21 Erica's Mission
08:12 Who Are Erica's Patients?
09:35 How Have Social Changes Influenced Parenting?
13:00 Is the Role of a Mother More Important Than That of a Father?
16:30 Why Are Fathers Important From a Biological Level?
23:20 Erica's Unpopular Ideas About Parenting
25:17 Family Diaspora: Raising Children Without Extended Family
27:31 Can Raising Children Away From Extended Family Be Justified?
28:30 Voluntary Childlessness
29:25 Attachment Disorders
33:40 How Do Attachment Disorders Manifest in Adulthood?
34:54 Choosing a Partner Based on Attachment Styles
36:20 Predicting Relationship Success Based on Attachment Styles
37:53 Does Having More Children Correlate With Neglect?
39:19 Decline in Birth Rates
41:23 What Is Unique About Relationships With Your Own Children?
43:12 What Contributes to Growing Infertility Among People?
46:45 How Did Erica Manage to Balance Work and Motherhood?
48:48 Should Fathers Be the Stay-at-Home Parent?
51:18 Harlow's Study on Rhesus Monkeys
53:38 The Challenge of Motherhood in Poor Socioeconomic Conditions
57:36 Does More Paid Leave Equal Better Childcare?
59:10 Connection Between Upbringing and Success in Adult Life
01:01:40 ADHD: Why Has It Risen So Much in the Past Decade?
01:07:40 We're Medicating ADHD Wrong
01:09:26 The Top Stressors We're Exposing Our Children To
01:11:29 Is ADHD Hereditary?
01:16:50 What's Wrong With Medicating Children?
01:21:15 The Link Between Stress and ADHD
01:22:23 What to Do if a Kid Screams in a Supermarket
01:25:54 The Different Types of Trauma
01:32:43 Same-Sex Couples Taking Roles
01:38:50 What Should Career-Driven Mothers Do?
01:42:08 Not Everyone Can Do This Stuff
01:45:25 Children Don't Need Other Kids Until the Age of 3
01:47:00 Ads
01:48:59 What's So Important at 3 Years Old?
01:55:32 Can I Repair My Trauma and Brain Past My 30s?
01:58:44 Our Pain and Trauma Are Rooted in Childhood
02:02:33 Is "Daddy Issues" a Thing?
02:06:33 Are We Taking Men's Purpose Away?
02:10:42 Men's Testosterone Drops When They Become Fathers
02:13:03 What Happens When Men Become the Primary Caregiver?
02:16:22 Should We Split Schools Into Genders?
02:19:11 Testosterone Decrease
02:21:12 Raising Healthy Kids in a World of Technology
02:24:45 The Importance of Being Present With Your Child
02:25:48 What Should Employers Do?
02:27:22 Do You Realise How Controversial the Things You Say Are?
02:28:02 The Reason All of This Is So Personal to You
02:30:58 What Does Your Obituary Say?
Follow Erica:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/pwv9PCz0lRb
Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/2EKsgfB0lRb
Website - https://g2ul0.app.link/OPtiA4a8lRb
Erica’s book - https://g2ul0.app.link/7rANACv0lRb
The The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
Follow me:
Independent research: https://stevenbartlett.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/DOAC-Erica-Komisar-Independent-research-further-reading.pdf
ZOE - http://joinzoe.com with code BARTLETT10 for 10% off
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Moment 202: Former Mafia Boss EXPOSES How The Real MAFIA KILLS People...
What does it take to survive in the Mafia? Former Colombo crime family captain Michael Franzese reveals the inner workings of the mob, from secret rituals to the ruthless code of loyalty. He shares how he built a fortune, the lessons he learned, and why he ultimately left that life behind.
Listen to the full episode here -
Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link//uoSwtN5KkRb
Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//t6yWwccLkRb
Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos
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The Manipulation Expert: Most People Don't Realise They're Narcissists! You're Setting Your Child Up For Misery!
Are you being manipulated without knowing it? Robert Greene reveals the silent tactics of influence and how to take back control
Robert Greene, returning for his third time on DOAC, is a world-renowned expert on human psychology and behaviour. He is also a multiple New York Times bestselling-author of 7 books such as, ‘The 48 Laws of Power’, ‘The Art of Seduction’ and ‘The 33 Strategies of War’.
In this conversation, Robert and Steven discuss topics such as, how most people don’t realise they’re narcissists, the hidden cost of porn, why you’re setting your child up for misery, and why good people never win.
00:00 Intro
02:14 The Most Important Decision of Your Life
04:53 Is There a Strategy for Finding Your Purpose?
09:52 Is It Harder to Find Your Purpose When You're Older?
14:30 The Only Way to Learn Anything!
15:50 Why Do We Procrastinate?
17:11 We Need to Develop Toughness and Set Limits
20:08 Skills Are the Gold of Today's World
23:02 The Longer Road vs. Shortcuts
26:34 Channeling Your Dark Side
30:31 How Important Is Focus for Mastery?
41:27 Too Many People Want Quick Returns
43:36 The Different Types of Intelligence
47:05 Controlling Your Envy Is Important
52:29 Use Your Envy to Become Better
54:13 Why Mastery Is Still a Successful Book
55:53 What Is the Solution to Loneliness and Powerlessness?
01:01:30 The Difference Between Being Lonely and Alone
01:09:49 How Pornography Hooks You
01:16:10 Ads
01:17:15 Are We Breeding a Culture of Lower Motivation Because of Porn?
01:21:43 What Do We Not Want to Admit About Human Nature?
01:24:28 The Narcissist in Us
01:27:20 Dealing With Narcissists
01:28:47 Do We Have to Be Actors to Get Ahead?
01:30:42 Do You Need Lies and Manipulation to Succeed in Life?
01:33:16 The Contribution Score
01:35:09 Let Others Do the Work, but Take the Credit
01:39:42 The Importance of Self-Control
01:44:00 What to Do When Injustice Is Done to Us
01:48:29 Predators Love Prey
01:49:31 Are We Going Through Dangerous Times?
01:57:16 Wokeism and Trump: Which Side Got Things Right and Wrong?
02:02:47 The Power of the Masses Can Be Dangerous
02:05:56 Are We Caught Up in Maniac Solutions?
02:08:33 Ads
02:09:28 What Does Our Identity Mean to Us?
02:13:59 Our Minds Are Getting Smaller!
02:19:33 Judging Based on Appearances
02:22:54 How Does Someone With Power Behave?
02:25:33 Can You Fake It Until You Make It?
02:26:10 How to Be Confident
02:28:20 How to Believe in Yourself When You Don't
02:34:36 What to Do in Negotiations
Follow Robert:
Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/WLXqDa7GiRb
Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/RYo8kigHiRb
Website - https://g2ul0.app.link/s0by34hHiRb
Spotify: You can purchase Robert’s book, ‘The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations from the author of the bestselling The 48 Laws of Power’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9s2XkfoHiRb
Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes
My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook
You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb
Follow me:
Independent fact check - https://stevenbartlett.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/DOAC-Robert-Greene-Independent-research.pdf
PerfectTed - https://www.perfectted.com with code DIARY40 for 40% off
Shopify - https://shopify.com/bartlett
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I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers.
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