Today was my first class in the Dallas Recreation Centers! Dallas Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Daily Confession No.83 Pisces Eclipse 2024
Tomorrow is the solar eclipse with totality in Dallas, Texas — and the first day of my classes at the Dallas recreation centers! The eclipse practice I recommend is found on the Guru Rattana blog dated August 16, 2013, called the Guru Ram Das Healing Meditation. Dallas Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Daily Confession No.82 Announcing Class Times
Announcing the first three full length class times for Dallas Kundalini Yoga and Meditation classes!!! Dallas Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Daily Confession No.81 Trinity Roots
The yoga only helps so much without a good diet. Dallas Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Daily Confession No.80 Moving Forward
Things are happening. Dallas Kundalini Yoga & Meditation